Friday, November 9, 2007

It's Always Sunny in Bamako

Since my internship began back in Smithers with One Sky, I feel like I am contributing to something good and that my work has an intrinsic value that could not be found within cubicle walls. What may seem as being easy for me, whether it's translating a document or formatting a picture, is considered to be of great value to others.

If life here is a couch, I just went from sitting hesitantly on the edge to lounging back like I know it's going to be a really long movie and a while before I get back up. The routine is slowly taking shape, the initial feeling of wanting to document every single moment and thought is dissipating. It's sunny in Bamako, and I brought my sunglasses.

Le boulot

Days go by quickly, especially when I'm asked to do something by two days ago. I'm in a constant struggle to focus on work rather than turn to the world wide web's panoply of toys, which I have always been so accustomed to having practically around the clock. I must admit that it's nice to come home to a TV (with 3 channels!), many books and, of course, my guitar.

The Prophet

A friend passed me a book called "The Biography of the Prophet" by Karen Armstrong before I left. This is a fascinating story of arguably one of the most influential persons to have ever lived. I will comment on this further once I am finished the book but for now, if you are interested in understanding Islam beyond CNN and Wikipedia, pick it up at a bookstore near you.

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