Sunday, August 5, 2007

Nomadic Relativism

I wrote this a few years ago and turned it into a song with the help of the talented Mr. Paltrinieri. I keep going back to it because there is so much of it I can relate with.

Silence shattering this glass
All Across the earth

Falling trees
Empty woods
Silence of hungry voices
Make you cry for what it’s worth

Apathetic as we are
Empty souls are not looking
For a thing to do about this

Pack your gear it’s time to go
There’s nothing here left that you know
Infertile earth that is beneath
Our bruised and battered calloused feet

Ciao cheers farewell goodbye
Ciao cheers farewell goodbye
Ciao cheers farewell goodbye

If a boy cries in the desert
Village can you hear him
Make a sound

Hear no evil, I don’t speak it
Cold from the chilling woods
They never get out

Do you really wish to be
Warm from the salty earth
That is the trail

Pack your gear it’s time to go
There’s nothing here left that you know
Infertile earth that is beneath
Our bruised and battered calloused feet

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