Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Status Report

I apologize for the lack of entries in the past week but it has been hectic (and that's an understatement). In a nutshell, the following happened:

- 3 night, 4 day camping trip to the now infamous Bell Lake where we spent most of the weekend under a giant white tarp and huddled around a fire.
- multiple games of charade with many funny moments (i.e. acting out "Tanya Harding", "Ankle high phosphorescent spandex tights", "Who Killed The Electric Car?" and my favourite, "Charades")
- a party at Tom's with Wade Davis' family, some One Sky board members and many others. The 'kids' ended up hanging out by the fire and we had some great jam sessions. Wade's older daughter Tara is singer/songwriter in an amazing band that has toured all across the american East Coast. It's amazing how much someone with talent can make you look good even if you're just strumming a guitar.
- face to face encounter with a black bear
- the general feeling of losing my sanity at work this week because of my lack of work ethic and time management skills in past work experiences that may or may not be related to the fact that most were in the federal public service.
- a road trip tomorrow to Houston (B.C.) to meet with interesting people who have apparently done incredible work in renewable energy, especially in geo-thermals.

À la prochaine chicane.

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